Detail of "The Potter" (unfunished) |
The last two days have been days off, and have been very hot and humid, up around 100 F. I was not about to spend my them out in that kind of heat doing yard work, so apart from mowing early one morning, I got to spend most of it doing art “stuff”. I made a start on the main painting that I am going to enter into the Oil Painters of America Nationals next year. I got it mostly drawn up with the sky and bay roughly grubbed in. I am aiming to become a signature member of OPA. In order to do that, I have to have been accepted into their national exhibition 3 times in 5 years. There are usually about 3000 entrants, with only a couple of hundred accepted, so the competition is stiff and the work entered must always be excellent. That is why I am giving myself more than six months for the project. The works entered have to literally be master pieces.
Other than that most of my art time was spent doing digital archiving. One thing can lead to another. We have been offered some free Google advertising. Our aim will be to get people to come visit our web site. It has sat mostly dormant for a couple of years. (see us at ) We are in the process of getting a vastly better site up. It is much less cluttered and much easier for us to access and regularly change and up date. So now getting that up has a rocket under it. In order to get it up, the archive has to be decent and in order. We have many of copies of pictures of paintings of varying quality all over the place.
I have put together a database in MS Access in order to pull it all together. Firstly I had to find the best pictures of every piece of work. Then I had to rename them all. To do that I also needed a lot of information about each work. We are using a naming system that tells you at a glance a lot about the painting. An example is e200706-00062acb-0140x0180ameq-rr0.jpg. The name can actually be divided into columns in Excel and translated into understandable information. The nomenclature of this painting divides up as follows: e the image has a max dimension of 1800 pix. 200706 painting completed June 2007, 00062 is a unique catalogue no., acb the medium is acrylic on canvas board, 0140x0180 the dimensions are 14” high and 18” long, ameq it is of animal/s, namely equestrian, rr it is very realistic, 0 it is the base picture of the completed work. With all of that in the file name it is easy to do the rest. Unfortunately it is also tedious. On the upside I found a recent painting that I had forgotten about. It needs a little work to complete. I put it aside when I was making the transition to working with text again. With just a little work it will become a nice part of my new body of work. The work, the potter, of a local potter at a festival, is posted above.